
We use exotic sensors and design their electronics, always bringing and industrial viewpoint even in scientific applications... for instance this muon acquisition system.
On the power electronics side, we have designed systems from 5Vdc to 400Vac. Motor drivers, power converters, all with digital regulation loops.

We are particularly strong on low level signal acquisition and high precision analog electronics. Here is a noise analysis of a custom 22-bit Δ-Σ ADC
On the digital side, high precision may require custom arithmetics or special care in algorithm design and implementation. These are all topics that Acies has been addressing since its foundation in 2001.
As to control and regulation, several algorithms have been implemented, from the simple PID to more complex RST end even more. Each implementation has some peculiarity, for instance an algorithm coded in assembly, in order to use all the resources of a µcontroller or its synthesis in FPGA hardware, in order to reach the highest performance.

All circuits are designed internally; multilayer with blind and buried vias, vias on pad. 150µm microvias, 100µm traces and insulations.
FPGA, microcontrollers, DSP are used throughout our systems to reach optimal performances
Several communication technologies are implemented ranging from USB2/3 to CANopen and Ethernet.
Image sensors and DLPs.